Would you like to attend one of our GameBreaker Lacrosse Camps this summer, but aren’t sure which option best suits your needs? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

We’re not the industry leader in lacrosse camps for no reason – a great thing about GameBreaker is we have various options to choose from, depending on what your needs and availability are for the summer time. While there are camps offered throughout the country and none of them are exactly the same, we assure that top-notch instruction from some of the best in the game will be available to allow campers to improve their on-field game.

How many different types of GameBreaker camps are we offering this summer? Availability will vary depending on location, but here are the six kinds of camps you may see offered on our site:

Overnight Lacrosse Camps

This is the very definition of getting the “full experience” this summer at lacrosse camp! For four days and three nights, you’ll have fun with us and be able to take advantage of comfortable dorm room accommodations and all-you-can-eat buffet meals, along with entertaining evening activities to keep you occupied once training is finished for the day.

And the most important part, the training itself! You’ll spend six-plus hours a day on the field, getting instruction from our directors and coaches.

Extended Day Lacrosse Camps

If you want that level of instruction, but would rather spend nights at home in your own bed, this is the next-best option. Extended day camps are offered at all locations where there are overnight options available. Lunch and dinner will be provided for these campers, so just be concerned with eating a hearty breakfast and we’ll take care of the rest!

Day Lacrosse Camps

We understand that just because you’re on summer vacation doesn’t mean you have all the time in the world during the week! Everyone’s schedule is different and there’s a good chance you’re still pretty busy.

That’s why day lacrosse camps are available with a schedule that normally runs from 9am to 3pm each day. That still gives campers 24 hours of instruction over a four-day span, so you’re definitely getting all the training you need to improve for next season! For younger campers, there are also half-day options available that run from 9am to 12pm.

Specialty Lacrosse Training Clinics

These are special one-day clinics available for lax players looking for highly specialized instruction, but they also complement the all-around skills development at our normal camps. There are Shooting and Goalie Clinics available at select locations run at the same time for maximum benefit.

Face-Off Camps

We’re proud to be in charge of the longest running overnight Face-Off Camps in the country. This option is purely dedicated to covering every aspect imaginable for face-off play, which includes winning moves and technique, defensive countering moves and fast break transitions off a win. 

Father/Son Camps

Lacrosse is more than just a game for a lot of people, which is why this special kind of camp is offered for fathers and sons to build a lasting bond through the sport. There are benefits to both – sons will participate and improve from GameBreaker skills sessions, while fathers learn more about the game itself from our impressive coaching staff, both on and off the field.

If you’re interested in learning more about our GameBreaker Lacrosse Camps this summer, click here to find a camp near you and be on your way to becoming a better lacrosse player!

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