If you’re a lacrosse player in search of finding a way to take your game to the next level this summer, then you’ve come to the right place! GameBreaker Lacrosse Camp is proud to be the national leader for lacrosse instruction and education, and we’ve worked with over 65,000 campers since opening our doors all the way back in 2001.
What are some of the things that make us stand out from the competition? Well, there is our progressive curriculum, but it’s our top-notch coaching staff that seals the deal. Some of the sport’s brightest minds from across the country come together to share their passion for lacrosse in a personal, positive and fun atmosphere.
We have quite a few camp offerings around the country, which include: overnight camps, extended day camps, day lacrosse camps, specialty lacrosse training clinics, face-off camps and father/son camps.
To view the basic differences of these various offerings we have available to you, check out this blog post.
But for today, we’re going to focus on day lacrosse camps and extended day lacrosse camps. Below are the four main differences between these two camps so you know exactly what you’d be getting upon joining us for a few days.
Time Commitment
This one may be a bit obvious, but it’s still an important one to talk about.
For our day campers, they’ll arrive on the first day at 8:45am to check in. Once that’s done, the day will run from 9am to 3pm before they get to head home for the evening. Days 2 and 3 will run from 9am-3pm. On the last day of camp (which is Day 4), they’ll spend the usual amount of time with us before checking out at 3pm.
For extended day campers, the day is, well, extended. Check-in on Day 1 will take place between 12-1pm, and then you’ll be working with us until 8:15pm. On Day 2 and 3, you’ll arrive at 8:45am and go home at 8:15pm once again.
On the final day, you’ll arrive at your normal time, but it’ll be a short day since check out will take place from 12:15-1:15pm.
Offerings Around the Country
If you’re interested in a particular GameBreaker Lacrosse Camp for this summer, make sure they’re offering the type of camp you want in your area.
This is important because while there is an extended day camp at every site where there is an overnight camp, there is no guarantee that a day camp will also be offered there.
To make sure you know what camps are being offered where, make sure to follow this link, click on the state you’re interested in and read up on all the information we provide that will help you make an informed decision.
What You Need to Pack
You won’t need anything for the nighttime since both extended day and day camps are more similar to one another than some of our other offerings. However, since the time commitment is pretty different, it’s good to know exactly what you need based on the type of camp you’re going to.
Prices will vary from camp to camp and state to state, but for the reasons listed above (among others), extended day camps tend to be more expensive than day camps.
A good example is the Avon Old Farms Girls Lacrosse Camp and the Milford Girls Lacrosse Camp. The offering in Avon is an extended day camp, which is $495 this year. The day camp in Milford is $325.
If you’re interested in learning more about our GameBreaker Lacrosse Camps this summer, click here to find a camp near you and be on your way to becoming a better lacrosse player!
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